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Студик.ру / Банк рефератов / Менеджмент /

Quality of life and management of living resources

Contractor of the same specific programmeFavourable ConditionsMarket conditionsDemonstration ProjectPrincipal ContractorRoyalty-freeFavourable Conditions for Exploitation only, to all knowledgeFavourable conditionsFavourable conditions for Exploitation onlyAssistant Contractor (2)Royalty-free / Favourable ConditionsFavourable Conditions/ Market conditions for Exploitation only Favourable Conditions/ Market conditions /Combined R&D/ Demonstration ProjectPrincipal ContractorIn general, IPR rules for R&D projects shall be applied to R&D workpackages, and IPR rules for Demonstration projects to Demonstration workpackages. If the identification of the various workpackages is impossible, IPR rules for R&D projects shall apply if the total EC contribution to the project as a whole is superior to 42,5% of its total cost. If the figure is equal or inferior to 42,5%, IPR rules for Demonstration projects shall then be applied.Assistant Contractor (2)SME co-operative Research ProjectPrincipal Contractor (SME)Co-ownership (3)Co-ownership (3) for Exploitation onlyRoyalty-freeFavourable Conditions for Exploitation onlyRTD performer (non- participant)Royalty-freeRoyalty-freeConcerted ActionPrincipal ContractorThe knowledge which is suitable for dissemination will be disseminatedMemberNetworksPrincipal ContractorThe knowledge which is suitable for dissemination will be disseminatedMemberFellowshipsHost InstitutionThe ownership of knowledge will be determined by the Host Institution according to the applicable law. The knowledge which is suitable for dissemination will be disseminatedGrant holderAccompanying MeasuresPrincipal Contractor & in particular cases Members The ownership of knowledge will be determined regarding to the Community financing level. As the case may be, use or dissemination will prevail. (*) Access rights to knowledge for the purpose of use are limited to knowledge generated under the project concerned. (1) Contractors and Assistant Contractors unable to exploit their own knowledge might grant access rights at reasonable financial or similar conditions, instead of royalty-free. (2) More favourable conditions when beneficiary requests access from its principal contractor or the other assistant contractors of the latter. (3) SME Contractors are the owners of all knowledge resulting from the research work carried out by the RTD performers.

Box 9 - Key recommendations

ь Eligible partners: Check first that you and your partners are eligible for participation in the Programme (for example: your organisation must have a registered legal existence, there are minimum consortium conditions etc.) and also that you are eligible for the particular activity involved (some activities may be reserved e.g. for SMEs, organisations in particular sectors of industry….etc.)

ь Specific actions and RTD objectives: Check that your proposed work does indeed address an activity included in the current Call. Ineligible proposals, or proposals not addressing activities open in the Call, will be excluded from evaluation. ь Selection criteria: Any proposal evaluated below the thresholds will not be considered for funding. ь Management: Clearly indicate ability for high quality management adapted to the size of the project. ь Content: Good proposals show consistency with the five selection criteria. ь Ethical issues: Clearly describe any potential ethical aspects and applicable regulatory aspects of the research to be
carried out and the way they are dealt with according to national regulations.

ь Presentation: Good proposals are drafted in a clear and easily understandable way. Good proposals are precise and concise, not “wordy” - evaluators judge on content, not on number of pages.

ь Results: Good proposals clearly show the results that will be achieved, and how the participants intend to diffuse or exploit these results.

ь Completeness: Proposals must be complete, as they are evaluated only on the basis of the written material submitted. Follow the format of the Proposal Submission Form. You are highly recommended to use the ProTool software supplied free of charge by the Commission to proposers.

ь Partnership: Partners should discuss and agree beforehand their respective roles and responsibilities. ь Contract: Check that the model contract conditions for the type of work that you are proposing are acceptable for your organisations. ь Competition: There will be competition, and a weak element in an otherwise good proposal might make it lose out to others. Therefore edit your proposal tightly, strengthen or eliminate weak elements.

Last but not least: Arrange for your draft proposal to be evaluated by experienced colleagues before sending it, using the evaluation criteria described in the Evaluation Manual and in Appendix 6 (PART 2). Use their advice to improve it before submission.

Notes PART 1

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